Course curriculum

    1. How to listen to your Moving with the Moon audio files

    2. Track 1 Soft Belly Breath

    3. Track 2 Apana Breath

    4. Track 3 Feminine Alternate Nostril Breath

    5. Track 4 Viloma Pranayama

    1. Track 5 Primordial Ooze Meditation

    2. Track 6 Reflective Dark Moon Meditation

    3. Track 7 Surrender to the Darkness Relaxation

    4. Track 8 Dark Moon Yoga Nidra

    1. Track 9 Ujjayi Breath

    2. Bonus Track - Waxing Moon Meditation with Ana Davis

    1. Track 10 Ovarian Breathing

    2. Track 11 Light of the Full Moon Yoga Nidra

    3. Track 12 Smile to your Heart - Chocolate Mediation

    4. Track 13 Full Moon Lotus Meditation

    1. Track 14 Sitali Pranayama combined with Nadi Shodhana Exhale

    2. Track 15 Brahmari (Humming Bee) Breath

    3. Track 16 Kapalabhati Breath

    4. Track 17 Waning Moon Yoga Nidra

    5. Track 18 Waning Moon Detaching from the Emotions Meditation

    1. Track 19 Enquiry Meditation for Menorrhagia

    2. Track 20 Open Heart Meditation for PMS

About this course

  • $25.00
  • 25 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

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